The Transformative Power of Yoga: A Journey Beyond the Mat

November 20, 2020 by


Hi there!
Quartz Yoga & Wellness Studio is officially reopen for in studio classes! We wanted to fill you in on what we are doing and what we ask of you.
The safety and peace of mind of everyone that enters our studio is of utmost importance to us. We are grateful for your trust and your support as we navigate the world the best that we know how to.
What we are doing:
*Properly sanitizing our entire space, before and after class. We are using an EPA registered hospital grade disinfectant.
*Limiting in studio classes, allowing more time to clean our space.
*Limiting class size to ten students.
*Limiting workshops to ten attendees.
*No walk-ins. All classes/services will require pre-registration via our website or the Schedulebliss app.
*Most classes will be conducted with fans on to encourage good airflow.
*EPA registered hospital grade disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer are available in all rooms of the studio.
*We are renting a Halosil fogger machine from a local filtration company. The machine is good for purifying air and surfaces. It kills bacteria and viruses on contact. It also leaves behind a microscopic barrier to prevent bacteria and virus growth on surfaces. The machine will be run before each in-studio class.
*Continuing to offer online classes. At times, our in-studio class will run simultaneously with the Zoom online platform. Zoom attendees will only see the instructor. We realize that Zoom may be the best option for you and we will continue to utilize this platform.
What we ask you to do:
*Temperature checks at home prior to coming into the studio. If you have a temperature of 100°F or higher, please plan to come when your temperature is back to normal.
*Only bring with you what you absolutely need. Water bottle, yoga mat and any props that you prefer to practice with.
*Please sanitize your hands upon entering the studio. We have multiple hand sanitizing bottles throughout our space.
*Please be mindful of others. Staying six feet apart at all times within the studio.
*Per the latest Pennsylvania state guidelines, it is at the discretion of the mask wearer, if you would like to continue to wear a mask.
*Sanitize your mat before and after practice. We have endless amounts of EPA registered hospital grade disinfecting wipes that are at your disposal.
*Please do not come to the studio if you have experienced any cold or flu like symptoms in the last 14 days. Or if you have been in contact with anyone with cold or flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
*You must cancel or modify your class reservation within six hours of the class start time. If you cancel within that six hour time frame, you will forfeit your class pass or drop in. If you are ill, this does not apply. Send an email to so we can credit the class back to your account for future use.
We ask that you work together as a community. Always keeping in mind that we are yogi’s and we know how to meet ourselves where we are, with love and kindness. We ask that you do the same with everyone that enters Quartz. We are so grateful to have you here and we want you to know that we will do everything in our power to keep our studio safe and committed to maintaining a loving and peaceful environment. Any questions/concerns please email us at We can’t wait to see you!
Be Well,